Sproutings Step


Step One: Add 1 teaspoon of seeds in the bottom of a soaking bottle (for me that lasts about 4 days of sprouts once they are ready and covers half a grow tray)

Step Two: Add about two inches of water in the bottle with the seeds. 

Step Three: Place in a good location. I put mine on the counter close to the sink for easy access to drain and rinse and allows for easy clean up. 

Step Four: Drain the water from the bottle twice a day and add fresh water. I usually do this in the morning and at night. 

Step Five: Typically, soak for two days/nights and then add to grow tray. Depending on the type of seeds it will depend on how many days to soak the seeds. Refer to each type of seed on my blog for how many days to soak. 

Step Six: Drain the water and seeds from the bottle and transfer to the grow tray. Rinse the tray with a fine mist of water to try to evenly place the seeds in the tray. As I mentioned above, I usually only use half a grow tray by adding the divider to my tray. I add one type of seeds on one side and another type of seed on the other. Carefully try to spread out the seeds so they are not clumped together. 

Step Seven: Rinse the grow trays (remove from the bottom tray) twice a day to keep the seeds moist. Can rinse more often if in a hot environment to keep the seeds moist and growing.

Step Eight: Allow the seeds to grow usually around 3 to 5 days. They will grow and turn green when ready.

Step Nine: You can keep the seeds in the trays and pick fresh as you need them, but you will need to continue watering them (rinsing them). Once they are fully grown and ready to eat, I remove them from the tray and place them in a tupperware type container. I place a small piece of paper towel at the bottom and then add the sprouts. This helps collect any moisture. They usually last at least 5 days in the fridge this way.

YUM!! Enjoy!!!
