Raspberry Slushy

3 pkg of unsweetened Raspberry Punch (Mountain Berry)
4 cups of sugar
4 cups of warm water
1 (46 oz) can pineapple juice
1 (12 oz) frozen lemonade
1 (6 oz) frozen lemon juice
3 (10 oz) pkg frozen Raspberries
1 (2 liter) lemon lime soda pop

In a big 2 gallon container, dissolve punch and sugar in warm water. Add pineapple juice, lemon juice, lemonade, and raspberries. Add enough water to make 2 gallon (1 cup).

Stir and freeze about 2 hours so slushy. Can pour into individual cups to freeze.

When ready to serve, pour lemon-lime soda pop over slushy mix.
