Green Slime Punch

3 cups sugar
6 cups water
12 oz Orange Juice
1 pkg Blueberry pre-sweetened Kool-Aid
1 cup Goody Lime punch Concentrate
5 cups water
1-2 liter bottle Goody Lemon-Lime Soda

Combine sugar and 6 cups of water in medium saucepan. Heat until sugar is dissolved.

Add orange juice concentrate, Blueberry Kool-Aid, lime punch concentrate & 5 cups water.

Combine all ingredients in punch bowl, stir until blended. Chill

Add 2-liter bottle of chilled Goody's Lemon-Lime Soda just before serving.

Fill two to three 5" balloons with water and freeze (this might make punch taste like latex balloon). Float in punch bowl. This will keep punch chilled without diluting flavor.

Recipe by Be King

Recipe blog used for personal use only.
