Deviled Eggs

Eggs, depends on how many you want to make. I usually make a carton
1 Cup Mayo
1 Tsp Mustard

1. Boil eggs for 10 minutes and then let them rest in the hot water for 5 minutes.
2. Dump the hot water from the pot and fill with cold water. 
3. Let the eggs cool 
4. Remove shells from each egg
5. Slice the eggs in half and remove the yellow yolk. Add the yolks to a bowl and smash into small crumbly pieces. The smaller the better. 
6. Mix the mayo and mustard together in a bowl and add to the smashed yolks. Since eggs vary in size, only add until it looks right and tastes rights. Add salt to taste.
7. Scoop mixture into a sandwich size ziplock bag. Cut a small hole in the bottom corner of the baggies such as with a cake decorating bag.
8. Roll up the baggie and squeeze the mixture into each empty egg white shell.
9. Place on serving dish and sprinkle with paprika.

I make this recipe
