Crock Pot Hints

* One hour on high temperature equals about 2 to 2 1/2 hours on low.
* Don't thaw or cook frozen meat. Be careful with temperature changes with your crock. Suddenly going from cold to hot or hot to cold will break the crockery.
* Use whole leaf herbs and spices for best flavor for all-day cooking, but their flavor power may increase-use half recommended amount. If using ground spices, add them during the last hour.
* Always fill the crock-pot at least half full. Small quantities can be cooked but the cooking time will vary.
* Dried beans should be boiled before adding to a recipe.
* Vegetables don't cook as fast as meats in a crock-pot. Always put them on the bottom and the meat on top. Because vegetables take longer to cook, you should slice or chop them when possible.
* It is generally not necessary to saute vegetables before adding them to the pot.
* Cook noodles, macaroni, etc., before adding to the crock-pot, not over cooked, just until slightly tender. Add 1/4 cup extra liquid per 1/4 cup of raw rice when used in a recipe. Long grain concerted rice is best in all-day cooking.
* Milk, cream and sour cream break down during extended cooking. Add during last hour of cooking.
* For soups, add other ingredients to crock-pot, then add water only to cover. If thinner soup is desired, add more liquid at serving time.
* Remember liquids don't boil away as in conventional cooking. Usually you'll have more liquid at the end of cooking instead of less. One cup liquid is enough for any recipe unless it contains rice or pasta.
* 15-30 minutes conventional cooking time equals 1 1/2 to 2 hours, high crock-pot or 4 to 6 hours on low in the crock-pot.
* Keep cover on when cooking. Do not use the crock-pot to store food. Do not reheat food in a crock-pot.
