Cherry Cheese Coffee Cake


2 pkg crescent rolls (8)

Cut crescent rolls in triangle shapes and lay over the edge of the pampered chefs round baking stone with the wide part in the center and laying them around the circle with the tips hanging over the edge. Continue laying them around the circle until they go all the way around the stone. I suggest making a 8 tip star.


1 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 egg yolk

1 can pie filling

Mix the filling ingredients well. Spoon filling around the circle in the center of each triangles. then spread pie filling on top of the filling.

Take the triangle tips and fold towards the center of the stone and press to connect the tip of the triangle to the wide part of the triangle to crimp them together. Continue working around the stone until all triangles are folded.

Bake for 20 minutes at 350 F.

Pampered Chef recipe.
Using for my own personal use.
