Homemade Puffy Paint


1/2 cup shaving cream
1/4 cup white glue
1/8 cup cornstarch
Blue food coloring


1/2 cup shaving cream
1/4 white glue
Yellow food coloring


1/4 cup shaving cream
1/4 cup white glue
Purple food coloring-mix blue and red


3/4 cup shaving cream
1/4 cup white glue
1/4 flour
Red food coloring- very little drops

Basic Recipe

3/4 cup shaving cream
1/4 cup white glue
1/4 cup flour
Food coloring

Mix all together until combined completely. Putting puffy paints in a squeeze bottle works very well to help keep the puffy look. You can also use paint brushed for a just thicker consistency and texture. Wash Well!!

Best Homemade Puffy PaintImage result for homemade puffy paint

Image result for homemade puffy paint
