Homemade Bubbles

Can be used indoors or outdoors, just make sure the surface will not get ruined and watch for slippery floors/surfaces. Food coloring can also stain surfaces.

Best Homemade Bubble Solution

1 Cup Water
2 TBSP light karo syrup or 32 TBSP glycerin ( I prefer glycerin-not as sticky)
4 TBSP dishwashing Liquid

Mix together.

Homemade Colored Bubbles

1 cup of granulated soap or soap powder
1 quart warm water
Liquid food coloring
Plastic straws
Small juice cans

Dissolve soap in warm water. Stir in food coloring until desired color is attained. Give each child a can about 1/3 full of mix and a plastic straw to blow the bubbles.

Fancy Homemade Bubbles

1 cup water
2 TBSP liquid detergent
1 TBSP glycerin
1 tsp sugar

Mix all ingredients together until sugar dissolves.

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