Finger Paint Recipes

Cooked Starch Finger Paint

Dissolve 1 cup of laundry starch in a small amount of cold water. To this mixture, add 5 cups of boiling water, a TBSP of glycerine, if desired, can also be added. Add food coloring.

Cornstarch Finger Paint

Premeasure one cup of cornstarch. Add in gradually two quarts of water. Cook until clear, stirring constantly. Add 1/2 cup soap flakes. If desired, an extract such as almond, mint or orange can be added for aroma. Add food coloring.

Flour Finger Paint

Mix one cup of cold water and one cup of flour. Add the mixture to 3 cups of boiling water. Continue cooking, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens.  Add food coloring.

Flour and Salt Finger Paint

Combine one cup of flour with 1/2 cup salt. Add 3/4 cup water. Thoroughly mix by stirring. This paint is grainy, unlike other finger paints. As a result, the children will enjoy touching the artwork after it has dried. Add food coloring.

Instant Flour Finger Paint

Pour 2 cups of water into a large mixing bowl. Add 1/2 cup of instant powdered flour (regular flour may be lumpy). Stir in the flour until a smooth texture is obtained. Add food coloring.

Liquid Starch Finger Paint

Pour liquid starch into empty squeeze detergent bottles. Also fill a salt shaker with colored tempera
paint. The children can squeeze the starch onto paper or a washable surface. Then they can shake the tempera onto the starch, blending the paint mixture with their fingers. 

Soap Flake Finger Paint

Pour soap flakes into a bowl. Add a small amount of water. using an eggbeater, best until stiff. Fod coloring can be added for color. If desired, the paint can be left white and used on dark paper. 

Quick Finger Paint

Combine 2 cups of soap flakes, 1 cup cold water, and 1 cup of liquid laundry starch. Mix well. Add food coloring.

Wheat Flour Finger Paint

Add three cups of water to one cup of wheat paste flour. (This flour can be purchased in a decorating store that sells wallpaper.) Stir until dissolved. Food coloring or tempera paint can be added to color the paint. 

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