
Protein-builds and repairs all body tissue. supplies energy. Sources include: fish, poultry, eggs, dried peas, beans, nuts, cereals, breads, other meats, milk, and cheese.

carbohydrate- supplies energy. Sources include: fruits, veggies, cereals, breads, rice, pasta, sugar, and sweets

fat- most concentrated source of energy. Carries vitamin A,D,E, and K. Sources include: veggie oils, meat and dairy fats, butter, margarine and salad dressing.

Iron-helps build red blood cells. Sources include: green leafy veggies, dried fruit, whole-grain cereal and bread, tune, shrimp, meat, liver, and egg yolk

Calcium-needed to build bones and teeth. Helps nerves, heart and muscles function well. helps blood clotting. Sources include: green leafy veggies, milk and milk products, salmon and sardines

Folic acid- necessary for formation of blood cells. Sources include: dark green veggies, dried beans, peanut, walnut and liver.

Niacin- helps keep skin,mouth and nervous system healthy. Sources include: whole-grain cereal and bread, fish, poulty, liver, meats, peanut and milk

Vitamin A- helps normal vision in dim light, healthy skin and lining tissue. helps maintain resistance to infection. Sources include: dark green and yellow veggies, liver, peach, cantalope, egg, milk and butter

Vitamin B1- helps normal digestion and keeps nervous system healthy. Sources include: whole-grain cereal and bread, dried peas and beans, pork, liver

Vitamin B2-helps keep eyes, mouth and skin healthy. Sources include: green leafy veggies, egg, liver, milk and its products

Vitamin B6- helps digest protein. Sources include: whole-grain cereal and bread, corn, potato, banana, peanut, fish, chicken, egg yolk, liver, and meat

Vitamin B12- necessary for proper functioning of all cells. Sources include: fish, liver, egg, meat, milk and cheese

Vitamin C- healthy tissues, gums, bone, teeth, blood vessels. Promotes healing. Sources include: citrus fruit, strawberry, cantaloupe, broccoli, green pepper, cabbage, potato and tomato

Vitamin E- important for stability of substances in body tissue. Sources include: Whole-grain cereal and bread, eggs, liver, salad oil and dressings, margarine, whole milk

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