Taco Bell Chalupa Supreme

1 pound ground beef
1/4 cup flour
1 TBLS chili powder
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1 tbls dried minced onion
1/2 cup water
flat bread (pita will work)
oil for deep-frying
sour cream
shredded lettuce
shredded cheddar/jack cheese
diced tomatoes

Mix dried onion with water in a small bowl and let stand for five minutes. Combine ground beef, flour, chili powder, paprika, and salt. mix well. Add onions and water. mix again. In a skillet, cook beef mixture until browned. Stir often while cooking so no large chunks from; it should be more like a paste. Remove from heat and keep warm.
In a deep-fryer (or you can use a skillet) deep fry the bread for 30 seconds. Let drain on absorbent towels.
Build chalupas starting with meat, then sour cream, lettuce, cheese, and tomatoes in that order. Top with hot sauce or salsa if desired.

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